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Where can I compare nib writing examples?Updated 2 months ago

Did you know that the Nib Nook is a tool we've created that allows you to browse and compare writing samples from every single nib/pen we carry? If you've ever asked the question "should I get a fine or a medium?" or wondered "how does a Japanese medium compare to a German medium", this tool can help you answer those questions. All of our writing samples have been done by Brian Goulet, with Noodler's Black, on a Rhodia 80g white dot pad for consistency. Your experience will vary based on the ink, paper, writing angle, and pressure applied, but this tool at least provides you with a consistent example.

In our new Nib Nook, you can filter by brand, nib material, and nib size. You can select up to six writing samples to visually compare them directly side-by-side, and then also click to view several corresponding pens related to each writing sample.

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