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When will my credit card be charged?Updated 5 days ago

Your credit card is authorized when you place your order, and will be charged when your order ships.

Credit Card Authorization:
What it is: It is a temporary hold on a specific amount of money on your credit card.
Example: When you book a hotel room, the hotel might put an authorization hold of $100 on your card. This means you cannot use that $100, but the hotel has not taken the money yet.
Purpose: It checks if you have enough credit to pay and reserves the amount.
Duration: Usually lasts a few days. If not used, the hold will be released.

Credit Card Charge:
What it is: It is the actual transfer of money from your credit card to pay for something.
Example: When you buy groceries for $50, the store charges your card. This means $50 is taken from your available credit.
Purpose: It pays for goods or services you have received.
Duration: Permanent. The money is taken from your credit until you pay your credit card bill.

Key Differences:
Authorization: Temporary hold, not actual payment.
Charge: Actual payment, money is taken.

In Summary:
Authorization is like holding a spot in line.
Charge is like buying the item.

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